Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I hate microsoft....

I love this tablet and it features. BUT I hate MS now (again). In linux if I want to change my theme, window decorations, etc. all I have to do is click "System-->appearance... If I want to install I click on the fucking INSTALL button.

In vista ... this just doesn't work. You have to download some hacked up .dll's that may or may not work with vista_64, and even when you do that you have to do some more hacking up to trick VS into allowing you to use the theme.

But that may not work either...

VISTA and Mircosoft SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, iTunes sucks too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A few points...

- I Love Microsoft!

O.K. point of reference, I'm a UNIX system admin. Been one for almost 18 years. It's not really "Love", but man this damn HP tx2000 is wonderful!

MS Journal, Outlook (yes outlook), along with Ms One Note work really-really well.

I just got this (tx) so Linux will go on soon. But so far this is NICE.

-G-Max 685 helmet

$100! This thing is good and is worthy of the web bike world review (here).

- Ubuntu 8.04

It's not 6.04 or 7.10, they are master pieces compared to 8.04. Don't get me wrong, it's probably to best Os around, but the upgrade from 7.10 was horrible. And even after several updates Evolution is still broken (the Exchange plug-in).

But the beryl/ ComPiz effects work better. Umm... but that might be nvidia's new driver too.

- the Election

Obama should be the next Pres. Not because of "changes, and not because his economic policies are better... no he should be Pres. because he is charismatic. It's what we need right now. I like McCain, but his time was 8 years ago.

I am a conservative.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Next Pres.

As long as the choice is between Obama or McCain, then the it doesn't matter who wins. Let me tell you why;

Nothing much will change with a new Pres. He might promise to change health care, or improve the economy, but in two years when asked about the GRAND changes the Pres. promised, he'll just say "... the House ( or congress ) voted my change down...". Also, if Obama doesn't know now, he will after winning that we aint leaving the Mid-east - the generals and spooks (CIA, Mil-intel ) will tell him why...
But right now what we can use is charismatic leadership. Obama really does make you feel good, and thats all it would take to help this country move along.

On the other hand, McCain makes you comfortable. You know he's honest, and knowledgeable person ( he really does know whats going on in the world ). He's kinda like a good dad.

So at this point, with either one WE WIN!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Best site ever...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More XPS M2010 with Linux

Linux Mint

Ok, so I had a decent install with Ubuntu 7.10... sooooo what I do is go and blow it up.
On some of the ubuntu forums I read about the Linux Mint project and how good it is. So I download it, and install it. I figure my m2010 install is experimental anyway.

The install: ( the first time ).

Ok, the installer is prettier, but still works the same, so BFD. Get to the desktop, Nice background ( again BFD ). Open the "gnome foot", umm interesting menu setup.
Um... I guess the nice thing about mint is the media stuff. Ok, but so far not enough to make so much better than regular Ubuntu. Ubuntu's forums and Doc's are too good, it's not that difficult to get plugins for firefox, and the rest.

So I figure I don't use the m2010's linux partition much except to play with linux ( my main workstation is ubuntu ). So i figure I why not try MINT and see what the fuss is about.

I install MINT, as expected the install is pretty but the same as ubuntu. The desktop comes up, and I know I need to get the ATI proprietary driver installed, for better graphics and to use compiz. I use Envy all the time, and I know I'd have to wget the most recent version. I fire up envy and install the driver.

Interestingly enough, the "restricted driver" manager says there are drivers available. I ignore this, preferring to use envy. So I install the ATI driver via envy.
Now I can't get the resolution right. the m2010's resolution is 1680x1050 WS. but xorg won't do it. I try all the GUI resolution bit's I can find. Nothing works. So then I start editing the xorg.conf. X keeps ignoring my adjustments. So now I'm using web based Modeline generators. finally I get my resolution ( a day later and lots of X restarts and reboots - uninstalling the ATI driver, and envy and using the restricted driver --> this did the trick ). But now compiz won't fire up. ARRRGGGG!!!
Now I find some google hits that suggest editing the /usr/bin/compiz script and changing the WHITELIST line to:
WHITELIST="fglrx nvidia intel ati radeon i810"

And change the BLACKLIST to:


and test run with compiz --replace

Still doesn't work.
Why is this a problem now? Does MINT not work as well as advertised? Must be MINT. Back to Ubuntu 7.10 that was working fine before.


Now Ubuntu 7.10 is working the same way... * after lots of attempts with Ubuntu * WTF?!? Jesus Christ!! ...

Ummmm... ok ... calm down. Whats this? KDE 4 coming soon? Linux MINT has a KDE setup... well... I need to experiment ( i feel it keeps one sharp ). burn MINT Daryna KDE and install...

Holly crap!! the restricted driver works with the right resolution. Wow, wow... k compiz??

Yes! but I had to make the changes above.

From what I tell, ATI put up new drivers... this seems to screwed GNOME... but what else as happened, I'm not sure...

Now MINT is supposed to react fast ( or faster ) to software updates and new software. WHERES KDE 4?!!? ( i know I can change my sources, but thats not really the point to MINT now is it? ).