Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Next Pres.

As long as the choice is between Obama or McCain, then the it doesn't matter who wins. Let me tell you why;

Nothing much will change with a new Pres. He might promise to change health care, or improve the economy, but in two years when asked about the GRAND changes the Pres. promised, he'll just say "... the House ( or congress ) voted my change down...". Also, if Obama doesn't know now, he will after winning that we aint leaving the Mid-east - the generals and spooks (CIA, Mil-intel ) will tell him why...
But right now what we can use is charismatic leadership. Obama really does make you feel good, and thats all it would take to help this country move along.

On the other hand, McCain makes you comfortable. You know he's honest, and knowledgeable person ( he really does know whats going on in the world ). He's kinda like a good dad.

So at this point, with either one WE WIN!!

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